Monday, February 11, 2008

Utah Man, Sir!

Thanks to Grandma Hipow's handiwork, Logan already has his own University of Utah regalia.


Nanette said...

Congratulations! He's so cute!

Kristen said...

what a beautiful boy! congratulations! our boys are excited to see him.

Kathy said...

Oh my gosh, he is so adorable! And Robin, could you at least TRY to look like you just had a baby? You look great...happy and healthy.
Levi looks like a whole new man...I hardly recognized him! You guys all look great. Congrats and give the big sis a hug for us. Love, the Allens (Kathy, Jared, Sydney, Spencer and Elyse)

Lauren said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He is so handsome! Mason is a pro big sister too! I have to say, I LOVE his Utah blanket. That's awesome! I am just so happy for y'all! Robin, you are beautiful (as ever). Levi, you look so great! I haven't seen you in forever! I'm so thrilled you made this blog! I look forward to checking it on a regular basis. Sorry I only commented on the one post. I love them all.

I love the four of you to pieces!